Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Insomnia File #2

I can't sleep.  Again.  I need to be up in two hours.  I've given up all hope, so I'm just passing the time.  So, it's time for another insomnia file--aka, time for rampant narcissism in the form of "little known personal facts."

  1. I name my blankets.  The newest one looks like army-green sheep's wool.  I named it Oscar, after the grouch.  Also on my bed is Kurt.  He is a navy blue fuzzy blanket, named after Nightcrawler of the X-Men.  Because I bought Oscar, I had to get rid of another blanket (otherwise my room would be filled with nothing BUT blankets), so Dust Bunny has to go.
  2. They know me by name at Subway.
  3. My new favorite show is "Raising Hope."  That being said, I think I bought my ukulele because of Shelley plays the ukulele.
  4. I will be parked in front of the TV this weekend with a bottle of Mountain Dew and a plate of Totino's pizza rolls to watch the Winter X-Games.
  5. My favorite book growing up was Clint's Be Cheerful Day.  It's a kind of lame story book sold only at the Baptist Bookstore in the late '80s about a little boy who gets the Chicken Pox during the week of Vacation Bible School (we Baptists are REAL big on VBS), and can't continue to go.  His grandmother comes over to take care of him, and they find fun things to do.  Sort of.  I don't know why, but the nostalgic value is still comforting.  
  6. My worst job ever is a tie between working at the water board, where I hid in the storage room and read books, and when I worked 12-hours a day, seven-days a week for four months for a major insurance company.
  7. I'm considering taking my grandmother on as a roommate.  
  8. I love the smell of Repel bug spray.
  9. My favorite Android game app is Alberi Plus.  Stupid birds.
  10. My favorite TV show when I was a kid was "Get Smart."  No, I do not want to discuss the relatively recent Steve Carrel movie.
  11. I have a 500k+ word Power Rangers fanfiction that I never posted anywhere.
  12. I hate Wednesdays.  Bad things always find me on Wednesdays.
On a completely unrelated note, while searching for a job in which I could telecommute, I found a fun quote, reportedly attributed to Ziggy, or at least the creator of the Ziggy comic strip:

“You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.”

So, rather than complain that I can't sleep, I should rejoice that I am....awake?

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