“All successful revolutions are the kicking in of a rotten door." --John Kenneth Galbraith
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Cable Companies
So, I just got off the phone with my cable company. They are very nice, very cordial, I can call them 24/7 when I have a problem and talk to a real live person. Perfecto, yes? Well, except for one corporate mandate: shill services they don't have. I only have cable internet, and a local phone. I got the local phone because it costs $10 extra a month, and they waved the cost of my modem and the installation fees. I was having a problem with my internet, and the nice young man got it straightened for me. Wonderful! Then he tried to get me to buy long-distance. I told him, no thank you, I already spent enough on my cell phone, and there was no way they were talking me out of that, and no way that spending money on their long distance would not save me money. So, then he tried to get me to get cable. I told him no thank you, Hulu and Netflix saw me through just fine. And he asked me about Sports, and I told him I watched one sporting event a year, and it came on the Xbox's ESPN app. He then tried to assassinate the character of Netflix, implying that they were inferior to his plan. I reminded him, that the two cost me $16 a month, and suited my tastes just fine. He tried to insist that cable was superior, and I disagreed. I asked him how many Korean dramas they had on demand. He didn't understand my question. So I told him that 70% of my TV activity consisted of watching the 200 or so Korean dramas on Hulu. Where were the cable company's. He told me to enjoy my Hulu. I enjoy winning, but I hate being harassed.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Insomnia File #2
I can't sleep. Again. I need to be up in two hours. I've given up all hope, so I'm just passing the time. So, it's time for another insomnia file--aka, time for rampant narcissism in the form of "little known personal facts."
- I name my blankets. The newest one looks like army-green sheep's wool. I named it Oscar, after the grouch. Also on my bed is Kurt. He is a navy blue fuzzy blanket, named after Nightcrawler of the X-Men. Because I bought Oscar, I had to get rid of another blanket (otherwise my room would be filled with nothing BUT blankets), so Dust Bunny has to go.
- They know me by name at Subway.
- My new favorite show is "Raising Hope." That being said, I think I bought my ukulele because of Shelley plays the ukulele.
- I will be parked in front of the TV this weekend with a bottle of Mountain Dew and a plate of Totino's pizza rolls to watch the Winter X-Games.
- My favorite book growing up was Clint's Be Cheerful Day. It's a kind of lame story book sold only at the Baptist Bookstore in the late '80s about a little boy who gets the Chicken Pox during the week of Vacation Bible School (we Baptists are REAL big on VBS), and can't continue to go. His grandmother comes over to take care of him, and they find fun things to do. Sort of. I don't know why, but the nostalgic value is still comforting.
- My worst job ever is a tie between working at the water board, where I hid in the storage room and read books, and when I worked 12-hours a day, seven-days a week for four months for a major insurance company.
- I'm considering taking my grandmother on as a roommate.
- I love the smell of Repel bug spray.
- My favorite Android game app is Alberi Plus. Stupid birds.
- My favorite TV show when I was a kid was "Get Smart." No, I do not want to discuss the relatively recent Steve Carrel movie.
- I have a 500k+ word Power Rangers fanfiction that I never posted anywhere.
- I hate Wednesdays. Bad things always find me on Wednesdays.
On a completely unrelated note, while searching for a job in which I could telecommute, I found a fun quote, reportedly attributed to Ziggy, or at least the creator of the Ziggy comic strip:
“You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.”
So, rather than complain that I can't sleep, I should rejoice that I am....awake?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Southern Comfort
Hi, my name is Karen, and I'm from the deep south. Why, yes, my accent is as thick as my grandmother's pecan pie, but you can probably stop the trope-train there.
Yesterday morning, January 24, 2012, the area I grew up in was hammered by tornadoes. My corner of Jefferson County, Alabama, was violated by the unforgiving and wanton winds of a tornado system. Over 200 homes were destroyed, and at least two people died. My best friend awoke on Monday to see a circle of destruction surround her home. I have yet to watch any footage from the disaster. Why? Because I'm sick and tired of national coverage depicting southerners a particular way--especially those from Alabama.
From the coverage I have seen in my life, it would seem that Alabamians all live in trailer parks, are missing teeth, either wear moo-moos or overalls with no shirts, have rebel battle flags on their cars, and are completely ignorant as to the rules of grammar. That kind of footage just adds insult to the injury already felt by the devastation of my home town, it's nigh on unbearable. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with people who do fit that stereotype, I'm just tired of being stereotyped.
So, for the record:
Yesterday morning, January 24, 2012, the area I grew up in was hammered by tornadoes. My corner of Jefferson County, Alabama, was violated by the unforgiving and wanton winds of a tornado system. Over 200 homes were destroyed, and at least two people died. My best friend awoke on Monday to see a circle of destruction surround her home. I have yet to watch any footage from the disaster. Why? Because I'm sick and tired of national coverage depicting southerners a particular way--especially those from Alabama.
From the coverage I have seen in my life, it would seem that Alabamians all live in trailer parks, are missing teeth, either wear moo-moos or overalls with no shirts, have rebel battle flags on their cars, and are completely ignorant as to the rules of grammar. That kind of footage just adds insult to the injury already felt by the devastation of my home town, it's nigh on unbearable. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with people who do fit that stereotype, I'm just tired of being stereotyped.
So, for the record:
- I do not live in a trailer park
- I did not drop out of high school. In fact, I dropped out of graduate school.
- I still have all my teeth, except for my wisdom teeth.
- I wear normal clothes, especially if I'm going to be on camera.
- I don't hate black people, or gay people; nor do I exploit illegal aliens.
- I do not have a rebel battle flag sticker on the back of my car, on a t-shirt, or on a necklace.
- I did not get pregnant at fifteen.
- I own more than thirty pair of shoes, so I do not have to go barefoot.
- I do own a pick up truck, but it is only 6 years old, and it does not have rust spots on it
- The only thing I dislike about the north is their lack of biscuits and abundance of toast at breakfast restaurants.
- I do not drink sweet tea.
- My parents are not cousins.
Did I cover everything? I hope so. Now, let's please put the silliness aside, and help those who are hurting. Want to help? Check out al.com's post on numerous ways to help--both locally and remotely.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
This year, I'm going to...

My problem with my guitar is that it's body is so big, I can't get my right arm around it to strum. Not so with the ukulele! I have a Lanikai Soprano ukulele. I bought it off of Amazon. I'm eager to get to work!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Modern Woes
Why is it, that the one-touch-rescan-for-channels button is directly beneath the volume-down button on my remote? It takes it a full two minutes to "find" said channels. Of course, the channels do not exist as I do not have cable or satellite or anything of any sort. My Xbox is the only source of entertainment when it comes to the TV. It does quite nicely, of course, but when I try to decrease the volume, 2 times out of 10, I reset the channels. In the meantime, the Xbox plays on happily. My Xbox remote, of course, has turned itself off to save battery power, and I therefore cannot adequately pause my Netflix/Hulu.
Bah. I think I'll go to sleep. That will show the remote designers.
Bah. I think I'll go to sleep. That will show the remote designers.
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