Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever!" Psalm 107:1

It's almost Thanksgiving, which is my very favoritest holiday of all.  Don't get your holy panties in a twist, yes, I love Christmas, and yes, I love Easter, but I think that Thanksgiving encompasses the spirit of both.  Look at the pilgrims:

“The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving.”  (H.U. Westermayer)
Let's face it, their first year in America was terrible.  They had no idea what they were getting into.  They were expecting the climate to be farm more similar to that of England's, but instead they found hotter summers, and colder winters.  That one fact served to unravel all of their preparations.  And yet, they were thankful.  Thankful to God for what he provided.

Thanksgiving is the least commercialized of all holidays (even though the day after Thanksgiving is the most commercial day of the year).  The only things you can spend money on is food and a pilgrim costume for your kid.  That's about all that can be done with it.  Do some people still overspend?  Yes, but that is not at all the spirit behind Thanksgiving.  At Thanksgiving, we gather together around the same table (or living room), and eat and bond.  Then we move on to watching football and bond over touchdowns and tummy aches.  That's it.  We get to hang out with our family and be thankful. 

And yes, I do quite enjoy Black Friday shopping.  No, I'm not one of those nut-jobs who would maul a lady for a Cabbage Patch Kid.  I just enjoy the hunt.  I don't even have to be buying anything for me or my Christmas list.  I enjoy helping my best friend find that "it" gift for her nephew.  I've been seven out of the last eight years, and I haven't been scared off, yet.  It helps, though, that my mother is equally thrilled by the hunt, and she's good at keeping morale high.

1 comment:

  1. Hunt well, huntress. I don't shop much. I'm a Spartan when it comes to objects that aren't books, and as for clothes...well, I wasn't much of a fashion plate before my sisters came, and now that they're here I choose outfits based solely on how warm I need to be on a given day: "I will wear this one. It has sleeves."

    Good point about it being the least commercialized holiday of all. How can you market an intangible virtue like thankfulness? It don't hardly work that way.

    Thankful for you and your smart-Karen-ness,

