Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade." --do I really have to tell you?

So, Norco definitely has the greatest parades ever.  I mean, truly.  I know, I know, you're thinking, "but Norco only has like on road!"  Well, that's not entirely the truth.  We have two, and the parade goes up one and down the other.  So there.

But seriously, it was fantastic!  We had the parade staples like marching bands, floats, local festival queens sitting on convertibles, shriners in dune buggies, fire trucks, Santa Claus, dance schools, horses (though, ours had fleur-de-lis painted on their hooves), and so on.  BUT Norco had some other fantastic additions to the Christmas parade.  Such as...

A taekwondo school!  And...wait for it....
Darth Vader.  Yes, Darth Vader.  Apparently the Bast Alpha Garrison of the 501st Legion made an appearance at the Norco Christmas parade--because nothing says "holiday special" like Star Wars...

Ugh.  Now I have to block that movie out all over again.

Anyway, the 501st Legion (otherwise known as "Vader's Fist") is "The World's Definitive Imperial Costuming  Organization."  Epically.  Awesome.  I didn't get a shot of them, but there were also storm troopers and like a grand moff or something (whatever grand moff Tarkin was).  It was incredible.  According to their website, the Bast Alpha Garrison is committed to "Protecting Louisiana from Rebel Scum."  Does it get any better?

But, after seeing them walk down Apple Street, I thought, "The next best thing to happen at a parade besides ninja vs. pirate, would be taekwondo kids vs. imperial troops."  It should happen.  I'm making a petition for next year.

Besides the beaucoup beads, I caught a three black and gold cups, a bendable Christmas tree, a do-it-yourself edible snowman kit (a.k.a. a package of marshmallows), a rubber tomahawk, and an alien cow.

Jury's still out as to his name.  But look at him!  He's green.  And on Farmville, green cows are alien cows.  So that obviously means that this one is, too.

If you'd like to check out the websites for the Star Wars folks, here they are:
Bast Alpha Garrison
501st Legion

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