Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm a PC.

So, I am a PC, and yes, I'm even operating from Vista.  It doesn't upset me.  I know it's garbage, but I'm okay with that.  I got it at a great deal, and so far, it isn't inhibiting my life.  I know that both Windows 7 and Windows XP are better than Vista.  I'm not arguing that.  I also know that the newest Mac is also supposed to be better than all of them.  I've never cared for Mac.  Yes, they are wonderfully stable, but when you've been compatible with almost nothing, that works out well for you.  They are immune to most viruses, but in the past that may have had to do with the relatively low number of Mac users (yes, I am well aware that it is on the rise).  Wonderful for Mac users, that's fine.  Wonderful.  I am glad for you.  I have two distinct problems with Macs: 1) they have dumbed down computers, and 2) they're way too expensive.  Come on Mac users, even you have to agree on that.  I don't want to pay the extra just for mine to have a piece of fruit on the outside.  But you know what?  I'm not even griping about that today.

I was listening in on two girls in class today.  One of them was coaxing her MacBook to life, and it was makign a horrendous noise.  I, being a PC, was snickering inwardly, but didn't say anything.  Fellow-MacBook-girl was giving dying-MacBook-girl her condolences over her ailing machine.  Dying-MacBook-girl said that she was concerned because it was nearly three-and-a-half years old.  Fellow-MacBook-girl commented that her last MacBook hadn't lasted that long.

I have a six-and-a-half-year-old Dell running Windows XP that works just as well as well as it did day 1.  Granted, my needs have exceeded its original capabilities, but it still does what it always did quite well.  I reset it once, after a nasty virus, but it works great.  It has an non-wide-screen shape, and it's kinda thick, but it's a brick.  Honestly, though, other than size (and logically, and not untimely outdated design), it's perfectly fine.  In fact, I use it for a TV right now (to stream my media).

The Macbook has only been available since 2006, and apparently, people are wearing them out.  These all might, all powerful, Macbooks sound like they have three-year shelf life.  Why?  They're ultra-stable, unlike my Dell.  They're impervious to viruses, unlike my Dell.  They're apparently sent to earth by God on high for the soul purpose of giving us temporary happiness, unlike my Dell.  And yet, they break that easy?  I can't afford anything that expensive every three years.  This Vista has lasted me a whole year, and if I have to replace it in two years, then I will not have wasted that much money, or really that much heartache.  Maybe the newer ones are more awesome.  Maybe they'll last longer.  But honestly, I'm not impressed.  If and when my HP running Vista goes out, I will be filling the gap between computers using the green brick that is my Dell.  I'm hoping by that point, we'll have Google laptops, and I'll ditch Windows for something that's actually, you know, better and cheaper.

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