Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction." -- Winston Churchill

Change is tough, but change is good.  I will soon be living in Norco, which has been my heart's desire for about 16 months.  Kim and I found a great apartment that is directly above Justin and Hayden's.  This is ideal, not only because we'll be able to share internet, but because it'll be really nice to just be a floor/ceiling away.  Justin is becoming less excited as he realized that it would be who has the bedroom directly above his.  I may have made some mild threats to sing a particularly annoying song at the top of my lungs about a chicken named Theodore at 3:45 in the morning.  It's already Justin's least favorite.

Otherwise, all is well.  Kim and I will almost no furniture at first.  You can tell we're two students moving in together because we're bringing with us two TV's, a mini-fridge, a rocking chair, a mushroom chair, an exer-ball, a fish tank, a PS2 and our computers.  That's pretty much it.  We do actually have some dishes, but not much to cook with.  Between the two of us we have everything to furnish our apartment, they're just several states away.  We'll get them later on, probably next month.  For now, we'll have beds, because Kim is getting hers from our pastor's family, and I'm borrowing a couple mattresses from the church.  The mattress are what's left of the bunk rooms we used to have at the church.  We have turned both bunk rooms into classrooms for Sunday School, so the mattress went up to the attic.

The whole getting setup things is fairly daunting monetarily, but God in his grace has provided, and I shall get through.

More changes: I got my work schedule, and it is pretty sweet.  I will normally have 25 hours, but I will have the option to come in early most days, which will be nice traffic-wise as I will now be driving East instead of West, and driving to Mid-City from the West is not necessarily fun.

I need to go to housing today to straighten things out.  I should maybe jump on that while it's still early.

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